When they visit the farm, people often say things like, “Oh, I wish I could just stay here and sit on the porch and watch the sheep!” Or, “I would love to come to the farm and paint.” Or, “This would be a perfect place to come and write.” All of your comments made us think that folks might like to just come spend a day at the farm with no claims on their time except to do what they enjoy. So, on the first Monday of each month, we are inviting you to do just that. We will open the gate at 7:30 and have a light breakfast, coffee, and tea available to folks. At noon, we’ll serve a seasonal lunch. The day will end around 4:00. Choose from one of the options below to book your day at the farm.
Days at the Farm
Our farm is located on 63 acres outside of Carthage, MS. We are right off the Natchez Trace Parkway, and about a 50 minute drive from Jackson.
We will open the gate at 7:30, and have a light breakfast, coffee, and tea available for folks. At noon, we will serve lunch. The day will end at 4:00. We can be flexible on times though - if you are interested in coming earlier or staying later, please just let us know ahead of time so we can plan accordingly.
We have an Airbnb on the farm that you are welcome to reserve on the night of your visit. To book your stay, just visit “The Loft” page of the website.
We’ll serve a light breakfast and lunch, but you are welcome to bring any additional snacks, etc. that you might enjoy during the day. Also, bring whatever materials you might need to make the most of your day at the farm (e.g., journal, sketchpad, paints, books, etc.). Dress comfortably for the season, and wear closed toed shoes.
Please do not bring pets with you to the farm. We have dogs, sheep, chickens and other animals who love human visitors but do not do great with dogs they don’t know.
In order to allow folks to have peace/quiet and the necessary space to work on creative projects, we are limiting this offering to six people per month. However, if you’d like to bring a group to the farm, please send us an email at flowers@littlebluestemfarm.com, and we can work with you to plan a visit for your group.
If you’d like to sign up for a Day at the Farm with a friend though, that is just fine. Just note that the price is per person.
If a conflict arises and you need to change your date, we are happy to accommodate that. Please just let us know in advance so that we can plan accordingly.